Rob Greenfield and the minimalist wave

Reading Time: < 1 min

Known for being the man with 47 items. Meet Rob Greenfield.

Rob Greenfield has spearheaded the minimalist movement, giving it an entirely new definition and purpose: sustainable living. Taking literally the advice “be the change you want to see in the world” he has impressively: lived an entire year on food he has foraged or grown, built his own cabin from purely recycled materials, and can fit all of his 47 possessions into a backpack—and yes the backpack counts as the 47th item.

10 Notes from a Minimalist

We are not here to preach his radical lifestyle and nor is Rob, yet his story is inspirational and telling. It is a demonstration that one can live differently. That the societal boundaries we have created are imaginary. The message is simple: you can find true meaning and purpose by living in harmony with nature too. Our current society is built upon the illusion that economic growth and capital wealth bring happiness. Today, we have realised that these values are broken. Rob showcases how we can rebuild them and have a truly minimalist and meaningful life instead.

Our advice? Take a page from Rob’s book and make even small changes in your lifestyle. You will notice that every little change can have make a wave of a difference in a life focused on what matters most: a healthy you and a healthy planet.

Here our favourite videos by Rob:


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