Was 2019 the Year of Nature’s Rebellion?

Reading Time: < 1 min

As 2019 comes to a close we shall name it the year of Nature’s Rebellion. Nature’s kids rebelled, nature itself rebelled, rainforest guardians rebelled, some politicians rebelled—in New Zealand, Iceland, Finland, Rwanda to name a few— For the first time in history we forged global unity in the face of greed and political ambivalence. With protests from deep in the Amazon Rainforest, to Afghanistan, to London and protestors of all backgrounds: from adolescents, to doctors, to celebrities and soon-to-be mothers, this renewed consciousness and motivation involved the whole world.

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Yet it was the year of nature’s rebellion as well, and one that withstood heavy losses: A year that saw unprecedented natural disasters, record-breaking temperatures and uncontrollable wildfires in every corner. The beginning of a dangerous phenomenon as the Arctic melt begins feed-back loops, melting faster and releasing more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Acres and acres of forests lost, ocean acidification intensifying and plastic production increasing.

We must not let this discourage us from acting, rather intensify our will to fight. Let 2019’s rebellion be the spark that did not die out until real change occurred, until the previous status quo was forgotten, until every politician listened and acted, until every child felt secure about his future. Lets keep the momentum going well into the next decade, because it is the beginning of a fight that if won can heal us all.

By: Isabella Cavalletti


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