Project Drawdown

Reading Time: 2 min

The world’s leading resource for climate solutions. Project Drawdown is a world-class research organization that reviews, analyses, and identifies the most viable global climate solutions, and shares these findings with the world.


They partner with communities, policy-makers, non-profits, businesses, investors, and philanthropists to identify and deploy science-based, effective climate solutions — as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible.

As a thought leader and communicator, Project Drawdown is shifting the global conversation about climate change from “doom and gloom” defeatism to one of possibility, opportunity, action, and empowerment.

Their comprehensive book and research on solutions can be accessed: here

Synthesising and providing easy access to the most advanced solutions in varying industries: from energy storage to afforestation, transport and materials.

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Stopping global warming is possible, with solutions that exist today. In order to do this, we must work together to achieve Drawdown, the point when greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere start to decline.


Project Drawdown is helping the world stop global warming by achieving Drawdown — as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible.


Project Drawdown was founded in 2014 by environmentalist Paul Hawken to measure and model the most substantive solutions to stop global warming, and to communicate those findings to the world.

Project Drawdown


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