Our Top 5 No-Fly Adventures

Reading Time: 2 min

Slow travel. Take your time. Enjoy the journey.

Here our top no-fly adventures for the conscious traveller. We know it completely depends on where you live, so we also created a list on inspirational adventure books for you to create your own local journey.

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Our Top 5 No-Fly Adventures

If you’re in the USA

Take a page from Kerouac and hit the road

Motorcycle diaries across Latin America

Take the Great Canadian Railway

Hike the Appalachian trail

Sail off into the Caribbean

Our Top 5 No-Fly AdventuresHorseback adventure in the Dolomites with Gauberg

If you’re in Europe

Ferry your way to Greece

Ride the Trans-Siberian Express

Make your own Mongol Rally

Horseback ride through the Dolomites in Italy

Road trip across Switzerland’s E-Grand Tour

Our Top 5 No-Fly Adventures

Inspirational Reads

On the Road – Jack Kerouac

Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance – Robert M. Pirsig

A Fortune-Teller Told me – Tiziano Terzani

Around the World in a Jeep – Will Parish, Perk Perkins

Let my People go Surfing – Yvon Chouinard

Out of Africa – Karen Blixen

Into the Wild – Jon Krakauer

Code Green: Experiences of a Lifetime – Kerry Lorimer


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