Keep America Beautiful, the dawn of corporate greenwashing and brainwashing

Reading Time: < 1 min

Did you know that in 1970 PepsiCo and Coca Cola became the main sponsors for an NGO called “Keep America Beautiful.” This my friends was the beginning of corporate greenwashing.

Together they masterminded advertising campaigns that would brainwash us into thinking that pollution was our fault—ie. the consumers. That it was OUR duty to recycle in order to Keep America Beautiful. Little did we know that nobody actually recycles…the US and many other countries have been mostly exporting their trash to the developing world.

So yes. recycling is a scam. But worse than that. Recycling was a psychological attempt at making us feel guilty, and personally responsible for the deteriorating health of our planet. It shifted the blame from them to us.

The Magic of Biocontributing Packaging

But the joke is up Coca Cola/PepsiCo. Now we know, and perhaps instead of investing in advertising campaigns you could change your plastic packaging into something that actually biodegrades? Just a thought.

So what can you do?

  • Start your zero-waste journey. It’s very empowering
  • incite plastic attacks!! Leave your plastic with the producers: ie. at the supermarket, bring reusable containers with you, do your shopping and before leaving put everything in your containers and leave the trash at the counter: Watch how this badass lady did it in Derbyshire.

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