Finally electric car batteries that can be fully charged in just 5 minutes

Reading Time: 2 min

A future overrun by electric cars has one main caveat: recharging times and range—customers worry that battery life won’t last them long distances, and that recharging can take up to 6-9h (current rate to fully recharge a Tesla).

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electric cars

“The number one barrier to the adoption of electric vehicles is no longer cost, it is range anxiety. You’re either afraid that you’re going to get stuck on the highway or you’re going to need to sit in a charging station for two hours. But if the experience of the driver is exactly like fuelling [a petrol car], this whole anxiety goes away.”—Doron Myersdorf, CEO of StoreDot told the Guardian

Batteries capable of fully charging in five minutes were thought impossible, until Israeli company, StoreDot, developed new lithium-ion batteries that does just that. This is a big leap for the electric car industry, finally achieving parity on its petrol and diesel counterparts. The charge would give you a 100 mile range (160km). The company is confident that the batteries along with more powerful recharge stations will be commercially available by 2025—and at a competitive price.

“A five-minute charging lithium-ion battery was considered to be impossible. But we are not releasing a lab prototype, we are releasing engineering samples from a mass production line. This demonstrates it is feasible and it’s commercially ready.”—Doron Myersdorf, told the Guardian

These technological milestones mark substantial progresses in envisioning a cleaner future. However, it is safe to remember that electric cars’ have a dirty secret…white oil (lithium).Nonetheless, we believe in electric companies’ guiding principle: build a cleaner and more sustainable future—something petrol and diesel companies clearly don’t have. So, although their transition isn’t yet completely clean, we are positive that they will strive to constantly improve their supply chain.

Source: Electric car batteries with five-minute charging times produced—the Guardian


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