CBD Gummies – what are they and how to take them

Reading Time: 5 min

Natural Calm Gummies to Help with Stress & Anxiety

CBD oil is all the rage these days. It comes from the cannabis plant and you can rub the oil on your skin to help alleviate symptoms of eczema, it can be dropped into your morning coffee to give you a boost to start the day and, most popularly, you can now get hold of delicious gummies that are infused with cannabidiol (CBD) and all of its beneficial properties to help ease anything from anxiety to chronic pain. CBD gummies (or CBD gummy bears) and other CBD products are derived from high-quality hemp plants, which means that they are completely legal and are also proving to be highly effective among those who suffer from stress and anxiety.

This is not the first time we have seen any “miracle” products make the headlines, however. CBD differs slightly in that, to date, there is actually quite a bit of research that backs up its efficacy as a potential treatment for epilepsy and arthritis and CBD is also proving itself to be an excellent complimentary treatment that is capable of soothing the uncomfortable side effects of radiation and chemotherapy in cancer patients such as chronic pain.

CBD Gummies for Stress and Anxiety: Do They Work?

CBD gummies

Anxiety and stress are two intertwined afflictions that affect millions of people across the world. And while the illness is often treated with benzodiazepines, many people who suffer from anxiety are adamant that they would rather not rely on highly addictive pharmaceuticals to restore balance to their body and mind. More scientists are starting to investigate the effects of cannabidiol on anxiety and numerous benefits have already been discovered and backed up by science.

Although CBD is still considered an experimental treatment, there is undeniably a psychological effect that is brought about by consuming gummies—and no, we aren’t referring to feeling high. When CBD is able to interact and positively stimulate the endocannabinoid system, the body is able to better respond to both internal and external factors that can cause stress and anxiety. This means that your overall mood can become more stable and feelings of panic will be more manageable and they sometimes disappear completely. That said, it is important to manage your expectations and understand that although thousands of people have come forward on social media and news outlets to declare that CBD oil is a miracle that has changed their life—this can’t actually be backed up 100% by science and you should never substitute your existing medication with CBD without discussing it with your doctor first.

CBD gummies

Why Choose CBD Gummies Over Tincture?

Simply put, it’s a matter of personal preference. Many reputable brands have started taking into account that the majority of people don’t like the taste of CBD oil and other CBD products (they really don’t taste great), so they have developed alternative methods of consuming CBD, which is better suited to those who have difficulties swallowing capsules. For example, CBD gummies can be conveniently taken regardless of where you are and they add an element of sweetness fun to taking “medication.” Gummy bears infused with CBD have become popular among people who struggle with anxiety, as these edibles can be sucked to slowly release the goodness and the effects are thought to last longer. Another advantage is that a good brand should be transparent about exactly how many milligrams of CBD is present in each gummy, making dosage much easier as you won’t have to worry about consuming too little or too much.

What Does the Medical Industry Say about CBD?

Medicine is advancing and the use of alternative remedies to treat particular illnesses is often encouraged by many open-minded physicians as a complementary treatment to pharmaceuticals. And while researchers still need to overcome certain roadblocks with regards to performing more studies on the health benefits of these edibles and CBD in particular, research that has been completed has produced incredibly promising results. Notably, the journal of Neurotherapeutics published a review that highlighted the potential of CBD as a natural remedy for a range of different anxiety disorders. Of course, while many Avant-garde physicians are all for the use of CBD to treat illness, others are concerned that there is a lack of clinical trials focusing on the efficacy and safety of CBD. There are always two sides to every story and while information on this new “miracle” drug is still lacking from a scientific point of view, what we do know currently is that CBD can be safely used alongside the majority of pharmaceuticals and there have not been any serious side effects of using the compound reported to date.

CBD gummies

How to Choose a Good Brand of CBD Gummies

If you want to start your CBD journey with a successful outcome, then you should begin by educating yourself on certain brands and what they offer. As the medical marijuana bandwagon gets increasingly bigger, more companies are popping up online selling gummies, tinctures, and other CBD edibles. Before you make any kind of investment, be sure that the brand you buy from offers the following:

  • Pesticide-free, non-GMO products
  • Complete transparency with regards to dosage
  • Third-party lab testing
  • Chemical-free products
  • The legal amount of THC
  • Natural additives and flavorings
  • Infused with full spectrum CBD oil
  • No chemical solvents
  • CO2 extraction method for purity

There is also a wide range of online forums and website where you can seek advice from other CBD users and hear their honest opinions about a particular product or brand.

Final Thoughts On CBD Gummies to Help with Stress & Anxiety

As someone who suffers from anxiety and have experienced the negative consequences of the long-term use of benzodiazepines, I am all for trying alternative supplements. And if taking a piece of candy each day in the shape of these amazing CBD edibles can help alleviate the niggling internal feelings of panic and unease or even pain, then that is music to my ears. However, managing expectations is super important in the world of CBD, which is currently stuck fast in no man’s land in the medicinal field. Never make any decisions without consulting your doctor and certainly don’t stop taking any prescribed medication suddenly.

This article by Madeleine Taylor is originally published at SundayScaries.


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