5 Fruits and Vegetables that can be re-grown from Kitchen Leftovers

Reading Time: 2 min
If you care about the environment, then recycling and composting must be second nature to you by now. Let me introduce you to a new level of recycling: re-growing your leftovers. Instead of composting, regrowing is a good way to have a run for your money. After all, what is more sustainable than growing your fruits and vegetables? Here are 5 fruits and vegetables that can be regrown from scraps. 

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Spoiler alert: Patience is required, these will not grow until 2-3 years

Select a ripe golden pineapple with very green leaves. Detach the top by grabbing the leaves and twisting off the crown. Proceed by removing the lower leaves from the base of the crown once you can see little brown nubs which will form sprouts. Leave the crown to dry for 1-2 days out of direct sunlight. Once this is completed, put the crown in a mason jar of warm water, placing only the leaf-free area under the water. It is important to change the water every second day and keep the water clean. After only a week you will see that roots will start to form.


Interview with the revolutionizing boss woman founder of Orange Fiber: Enrica Arena


If you are a fan of white potatoes or sweet potatoes, good news coming your way: you can regrow both. For white potatoes, find one with 1 or 2 eyes on it and let it dry at room temperature. Place in a 20cm container and cover approximately half of it with soil. Once you see more roots form, add more soil. For sweet potatoes, cover an entire sweet potato with several eyes.

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Romaine Lettuce

A staple in the kitchen, and even more, if you are a salad lover. If you put the roots in a plate of water without immersing the whole plant. Keep in direct sunlight and spraying water on it once a week.



Place a single clove with its root facing down in a small cup of water, and you will see how fast these guys sprout.


If you cover 130 centimeters of the onion root with soil, place it in a sunny space, and water with care, you will be able to enjoy your own!

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