Norwegian furniture brand Vestre declares CO2 footprint of all products

Reading Time: 2 min
Vestre HQ

Vestre HQ

Vestre is a furniture brand that not only boasts the coolest HQ but has now announced that it will list the CO2 emissions generated by each of its products alongside the price.

The company is a leader in green design and this announcement shows its commitment to transparency in an industry that steers clear from accountibility.

“By certifying with ecolabels and displaying EPD values, brands can make that choice for the end-user a lot easier. Transparency means taking responsibility – only when we reach full accountability will a transition into a green and fair economy be possible.”—the company’s CEO Jan Christian Vestre

Vestre created Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for its entire inventory, analysing their supply chain to know exactly how much CO2 is produced. The EPDs will be shown in the company’s 2021 catalogue and on their website.

Vestre hopes this will make customers both more aware of their purchasing power.

“Citizens and purchasers can use their power to demand sustainable products but it’s hard to put into practice without strong benchmarks on what is and what is not sustainable.”

We love what this brand is doing, and where this could go.


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