Redefine meat: 3-D printed plant-based steaks

Reading Time: < 1 min

Israel’s Redefine Meat Ltd startup is set on taking plant-based meat to the next level: steaks, briskets, and fillets.

3 Agtech startups revolutionizing our food system

As alternative-protein sales soar companies are looking to other products to cater to the rising number of conscious vegetarians. Redefine’s main target market: enter steak houses in Israel, Europe and Asia. Their products are a fac-simile of beef products. How? A plant-based ink is injected in a 3D printer creating a very similar experience.

“We want to change the belief that delicious meat can only come from animals. We have all the building blocks in place to make this a reality.”— Chief Executive Officer Eshchar Ben-Shitrit

The company claims it can deliver a complex layer of muscle and fat using plant-based ingredients, hopefully they can nail the taste too.

Meanwhile the startup has already raised $29M to begin a large-scale pilot factory and commercial sales later this year. We’re curious to try these tender prints for ourselves.


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