Joe’s Green New Deal

Reading Time: 2 min

Joe Biden

After some anxious days, the media officially declared Joe Biden the 46th president of the United States. Now, finally, the Donald will leave the white house. What remains to be settled is whether the Senate will have a democrat or republican majority, which could influence Biden’s climate agenda–to be decided in Georgia’s runoff elections this coming January.

First day in office Biden rejoins the Paris Agreement And halts Arctic Leasing

Trump’s administration has undermined all climate efforts, including leaving the Paris Climate Agreement, pushing towards more oil refineries, drilling public lands, and not investing a single cent in renewable energy. Biden’s votes have been greatly influenced by the nation’s desire to switch to clean energy and green policies to mitigate this climate disaster.

Here is a list of 10 ways Joe Biden is planning on using his executive power to make America green again:

  1. Adding aggressive limitations to methane emissions in oil refineries and factories.
  2. Investing in renewable energy to promote fully electric vehicles and public transport.
  3. Making all governmental facilities climate-friendly to allow a faster green supply chain in international and local trade.
  4. Implementing the Clean Air Act to reduce the pollution levels of vehicles. The act will allow moving the economy to a more sustainable and green-oriented.
  5. Advance the biofuels industry in agriculture. This policy will bring new jobs and opportunities to move the agricultural sector to more sustainable land use.
  6. Making electricity and appliances more efficient saves consumers money from the high expenses of light, gas, and water.
  7. Every federal infrastructure investment will be directed towards sustainable impact investment by reducing pollution channels. Every asset will have to go through measuring the climate impact to avoid any unwanted emissions.
  8. Companies will now have to disclose their climate risks and greenhouse gas emissions in their supply chains’ operation.
  9. Maintaining America’s biodiversity by conserving 30% of the US’s land and waters by 2030.
  10. Permanently protecting the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and other areas that have been impacted by Trump’s explosion of the land.

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