the kelp burger : the world’s first carbon-negative burger

Reading Time: 2 min

Food Startup Akua initially entered the market with a kelp jerky. Today, it has announced the release of the first kelp-based burger.

We’ve now seen bleeding burgers, cultured meat burgers, and 3-D printed chicken—we can’t wait for a carbon negative burger too!


Kelp is one of the most sustainable plants in the world.

Not only does it require absolutely zero resources (land, water or fertilizers) but it’s also an important carbon storer—Akua terms it “zero’-input” food. All in all, kelp has a negative carbon fooprint. In fact, the company’s kelp jerky is already carbon negative—Akua estimates that by its fifth year in business it will have sequestered one million pounds of carbon.

The kelp burgers do use other ingredients, such as beas, mushrooms, quinoa and tomatoes—making it both a nutritious and delicious alternative. Interestingly, it’s the kelp itself that gives the pattie the meaty taste and texture. However, in comparison to other fake meats, the kelp burger uses a minimal amount of land ingredients—significantly reducing its carbon footprint.

“ A umami bomb taste, and it’s really satiating in the way that meat is. I think that the kelp burger is going to have a special place in the market in between a fake meat burger and your boring old veggie burger.”—Courtney Boyd Meyers founder of Akua

Seaweed is the protein and resource of the future—a powerful carbon storer and biomaterial it has incredible potential to disrupt various sectors. In seaweed we trust.

 first kelp-based burger

Akua kelp jerky


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