633 Divers Break the Record for biggest marine cleanup

Reading Time: 2 min
Plastic consumption forms part of the daily routine of an average human being. Supermarkets are filled with plastic packaging, making it inevitable for consumers to buy food and necessities wrapped in single-use-plastics. Some households try to recycle their plastics, even though only 9% of all plastic has been recycled. It is estimated that 79% of all plastics ever produced are sitting in landfills, nature, and the ocean.

The Manta: a plastic eating catamaran

A recent study found that there are around 150 million plastics currently floating in the ocean. This fact incentivized the Dixie Divers and Deerfield Beach Women’s Club to create an annual marine cleanup in Florida.

This year’s beach cleanup broke the Guinness World Record of the most extensive beach cleanup, summing up 633 divers that collected a total of 725 kilos of trash and 27 kilos of fishing nets.

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Such an event makes us reflect on our consumption habits, and the role plastic has on our lives and the environment. If we realize the immense amount of needless waste that the packaging industry and supermarkets generate, we notice it’s time for real change. And what do big corps care the most about? Their revenues…

So here’s a list of ways that you can avoid plastic production and consumption:

  1. Shop at your local, small grocers/zero-waste store and bring your own bags.
  2. Ditch take out food; they usually bring your food in plastic containers that will rot in a landfill. Go to the restaurant or cook something for yourself!
  3. Replace clingfilm with beeswax wraps.
  4. Buy in bulk stores everything you need in your kitchen.
  5. Make your own snacks; this way, you will stop buying packaged food.
  6. Go to the nearest supermarket and incite plastic attacks! If fruits come in plastic wrap, leave them at the cashier with a note inciting change! You can also do this with anything that comes in plastic packaging.
  7. Make people around you conscious of their consumption habits by stating the facts mentioned in this article!
  8. Sign a petition to ban single-use plastics. Here is one.

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