Instituto Socio Ambiental – Brasil

Reading Time: < 1 min

Instituto Socio Ambiental - BrasilWhen it comes to the protection of indigenous rights, lands and the Amazon ISA is the first NGO that comes to mind.
ISA is a Brazilian non-profit founded in 2001 with the goal of finding integrated solutions to Brazil’s social and environmental issues.

Today they work tirelessly with several indigenous groups throughout the Amazon bringing their mesmerizing culture to the foreground. ISA sells their local goods, promotes eco-tourism and documents indigenous culture: dances, language and food. Now, their work is becoming ever more political as they strive to showcase the Amazon’s hard reality under the current Brazilian government. The economic interest in the forest is making ISA’s battle increasingly difficult: deforestation is on the rise, miners are corrupting indigenous tribes, military troops that should defend the forest have deserted. It is safe to say that the consumerist cancer has entered the jungle. To fight these assaults ISA has offices in Brasilia, including a persistent advocacy group that hopes to dissuade Congress from dangerous policies. Their legal offense is our best bet in regaining control of the world’s largest ecosystem before it reaches a tipping point.

Sign Petition to Prosecute Brazilian President


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