Earth Day Breathwork Challenge

This Earth Day we invite you to get in touch with Mother Earth, to dive deeply into the inner workings of your cells and teach yourself to really breathe.

Did you know that on average it takes 21 days to create a habit? How about you create a new habit that has the potential to shift your life on several dimensions?

It’s time to unlock the power of breathwork and insert it into your daily routine. To do this, we have partnered up with Eva Kaczor, a leading breathwork expert and the founder of PSYCHEDELIC BREATH®, to provide our much loved tribe with something very special. 

Eva designed the 21-day breathwork challenge to support you on all possible levels as breathwork works on your physical, emotional, mental and energetic body.

You’re going to love this!

*Remember: it starts on Earth Day: April 22nd 2021


  • Sign up with your email to receive free access to the breathwork challenge by April 21st at midnight.

  • Each day you will practice a 10min breathwork video and once a week a full PSYCHEDELIC BREATH experience. The videos focus on seven different aspects within your body, nervous system, energy system, mindset and emotions.

  • There are 9 videos in total that you will practice for 21 days in a certain order.

  • Extra Goodness: those of you who complete the whole challenge and track it, have the chance to win our no-tox box and FULL-ACCESS to Eva’s PSYCHEDELIC BREATH® online experience. *tag us throughout your progress on instagram (at least once a week) @eco_nnect @eva.kaczor so that we enter you for the challenge giveaway.


PSYCHEDELIC BREATH® is a powerful breathwork practice that is not recommended for the following conditions: pregnancy, epilepsy, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, high inner eye pressure, clinical anxiety or panic attacks, psychosis, a history of stroke, recent surgery (wounds, broken bones still healing).

pschedelic breath

What is Psychedelic Breath?

PSYCHEDELIC BREATH® by Eva Kaczor combines dynamic breathing techniques from ancient spiritual traditions and findings of contemporary neuroscience with evocative electronic music sets specially created in collaboration with artists such as Acid Pauli, Nico Stojan and Britta Arnold. 

Within PSYCHEDELIC BREATH® you naturally reach a state of non-ordinary consciousness. By powerfully using your breath you can release mental, emotional and energetic blockages, tap into deeper states of meditation and connect with your inner calling.

About Eva Kaczor

Eva Kaczor is a Dipl. Psychologist, Purpose Coach and as the founder of PSYCHEDELIC BREATH®, one of the worldwide leading breathwork experts.

In her 1:1 purpose coaching and her global PSYCHEDELIC BREATH® online journeys, events and teacher trainings, Eva supports humans to connect with their inner calling and live their purpose.


Her work spans from working with companies such as Google SF, Netflix or Mercedes Benz to empower their teams with breathwork and meditation, to private coaching to facilitating transformational experiences with several thousand participants on electronic music festivals and tech conferences.

As the founder of the international event series PSYCHEDELIC BREATH®, YOGIS ON SOUND and YOGA MEETS ART, Eva collaborates with artists such as Acid Pauli, Birds Of Mind and Nico Stojan to create the soundtracks for it and to bridge contemporary spirituality with the music scene.