Global Earth Day

Earth Day Week Sign Up Octavia Calthorpe

Octavia Calthorpe

As part of our Earth Day week celebrations we are teaming up with the amazing @octaviacalthorpe, a breathwork therapist based in London. Since 2017 she has trained in America, the UK and Ireland in various modalities of breathwork. She is determined in reaffirming the inner empowerment to the day to day experiences of her clients.

Using simple, effective and accessible avenues for people to unearth the multitude of benefits of breathwork. She spends her days teaching her clients to reconnect to the power of their breath, to help relieve emotional issues, improve physical health and connect more deeply to their inner wisdom and the beautiful world we live in.

‘I want to help people connect back to the superpower they have inside - their breath, and in doing so connect back to themselves and to our beautiful planet’

Here's how to participate

  • Make sure to follow both @octaviacalthorpe and @eco_nnect on IG and sign up with your email here to receive our special earth day collaboration with @octaviacalthorpe and receive two breathwork sessions and a special earth day meditation spread across three days, beginning on Global Earth Day next week on Friday 22nd April.
  • Tag @eco_nnect and @octaviacalthorpe on your stories so we know that you have joined us!