

Earth Day Breathwork Challenge

Welcome to your space of relaxation. It’s time to breathe into this wonderful joruney.

You enter the chance to win a no-tox box and a full PSYCHEDELIC BREATH experience with Eva if you tag us on Instagram at the end of every week of our 21-day challenge. @eva.kaczor @eco_nnect #earthdaybreathworkchallenge

We recommend the tracks above to fully enhance your breathwork experience.

Breathwork Schedule


Day 1 / Day 8 / Day 15 —A Breath Meditation to Release Anxiety

Allow yourself to lay down or find a comfortable seat. Close your eyes and let your breath calm down the nervous system. This is a grounding and anxiety releasing practice.


Day 2 / Day 9 / Day 16 — Breathwork to Release Tension

This breathwork practice is great to expand your lung volume and at the same time eases tension in the neck, shoulders and back area. It leaves you calm yet energized.


Day 3 / Day 10 / Day 17— Breathwork for Willpower

We work on your inner strength, dedication and willpower with a dynamic breathwork sequence. Beautiful when you feel sluggish and undecided.


Day 4 / Day 11 / Day 18 – PSYCHEDELIC BREATH®

These three PSYCHEDELIC BREATH® classes are full sessions into your heart, subconscious mind and altered state of consciousness. They are Eva’s signature breathwork journeys that you can experience live with her every Wednesday. They are powerful and beautiful.

Day 5 / Day 12 / Day 19- Emotional Detox Breathwork

This breathwork practice takes you straight into the emotional body. It aims to transform feelings like anger, fear, shame and guilt into higher frequency feelings


Day 6 / Day 13 / Day 20- Breathwork to Speak your Own Truth

A breathwork routine that opens your 5th chakra – the energy center of the throat. It clears blockages that stand in the way of speaking and sharing your truth.


Day 7 / Day 14 / Day 21- Breathwork for Inner Guidance & Intuition

A sensual breathwork routine, designed to connect you with your 6th sense: your intuitive guidance.


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EXTRA GOODNESS: to enter our giveaway tag us on your story

Save this photo, upload it, tick which days you’ve compeleted and tag @eva.kaczor and @eco_nnect, to enter the chance to win our no-tox box and full access to Eva’s PSCYHEDELIC BREATH experience.



Connect with Eva for any questions about your breathwork practice or to explore her work on discovering your purpose and PSYCHEDELIC BREATH® classes and teacher trainings.