How to be a conscious traveller: 5 things to travel sustainably

Reading Time: 2 min

How to be a conscious traveller
While travelling is one of the contributing factors to climate change, it is a difficult recreation to give up. The lust for travel exists within many of us, whether that is going for a relaxing stay at the beach, a trekking adventure, or a cultural holiday to a new city, the question we pose ourselves is the following: is it possible to travel with a sustainable mindset?

With the rise in consciousness for our environment, new approaches to travelling have emerged, namely slow travel and eco-tourism. Travelling in a responsible manner while protecting and favouring the culture, nature and locals of the destination seems intuitive right? Here are a few tips on how to become a conscious traveller:

Take trains (if possible)

If you are going to a place where a short-haul flight can be avoided, choose to travel by train. Flights are known to produce the most carbon emissions of any transport option. If conservation matters to you, trains are the eco-friendly method of travel.

Stay in a certified eco-accommodation 

Staying in eco-accommodation guarantees you (the tourist) that the place you are staying at supports our collective future, and wants to minimize its footprint. Furthermore, its certification assures you that it has been reviewed by an impartial third party in regards to how sustainable it is.

Eat local or vegetarian

Although when travelling it is difficult to assess which foods are locally grown, you can buy from local businesses and markets rather than big chain supermarkets while also making sure that what you consume is seasonal.

Bike around to get to know the area

If you are wanting to get around a new place, choose a lower emission form of transportation if it is not a pedestrian friendly space. Not only are you discovering an area efficiently but you are also doing exercise while helping the environment.

Off-set flights

In the case, you do choose to fly, consider off-setting your flights, or choosing an airline that does so. Off-setting your flight can be beneficial for reducing the impact your flight has caused and making up for the emissions it has produced.


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