First day in office Biden rejoins the Paris Agreement And halts Arctic Leasing

Reading Time: 2 min

Just one day in and US President Joe Biden rejoins the Paris Agreement and imposes a moratorium on oil leasing in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). A strong beginning, signalling the complete US support in the fight against climate change.

Biden’s plans are literally to start mending Trump’s 4 years of environmental destruction and pro-industry at any cost mentality.

In a time when each year is vital for keeping temperatures below the 1.5°C increase, Biden’s executive orders signal a presidency that will listen to its people and advocate for sounder climate policy.

In an executive order on his first day Biden told agencies to review and address Trump-era policies “that were harmful to public health, damaging to the environment, unsupported by the best available science or otherwise not in the national interest.” We LOVE this

What Trump-era policies is Biden reviewing?

  1. POTUS Biden notified the UN yesterday that the US will rejoin the Paris Agreement, with re-entry to take effect in a month’s time.
  2. The review of automobile standards and appliance efficiency standards
  3. Repeal concessions allowing roads to be built through Alaska’s Tongass National Forest
  4. Halt seismic oil suveys in the Gulf of Mexico
  5. Bringing back Utah’s Bears Ears National Monument to its original size (from 220,000 acres back to 1.4 million acres)
  6. Halting the Keystone XL oil pipeline
  7. Returning the Environmental Protection Agency to a respectable level that supports the environment, rather than Trump’s destructive agenda.

Unfortunately for Biden he has a long way to go if he wants the US to truly enforce laws that would align it with the Paris Agreement. However, his first days foreshadow a Presidential term dedicated to the fight against climate change, a refreshing and hopeful stance for the future of our planet.

Did you know that 2020 was the hottest year on record, read more


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